As I was editing late into the night last night I had a thought.  I LOVE WHAT I DO.  I wasn’t up late editing because I had to, I was because I really enjoyed it and couldn’t pull myself away.  Well that and it didn’t hurt I had a Starbucks double shot drink at 8:30 pm.  I have gotten such great response from the clients I have had over the last few weeks and I love hearing from them, and their appreciation for the photos.  It means a lot to me that my clients really love the photos and it makes me happy that they take the time to tell me so.  I have been very fortunate to have worked with so many great people over the last couple weeks.  I have been quite busy, but when I was thinking back on it I felt as though I never had the thought “Ugh I have to edit those photos”  more like “Yesss time to edit those photos” and I literally have to pull myself away from them (similar to how I shoot; those who have shot with me can attest to the fact that I’ll keep going unless I make myself stop).
So a big thanks to all you lovely people I have photographed and I look forward to all my upcoming sessions.

Oh and to round out this post here is a preview of a couple I can’t say enough good things about Charise & Josh.  More of them to come soon!

  • Charise - LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! cant wait to see more! yaaaaay!!!!

  • Rachel - Looks like Scripps is a new favorite 🙂 nice

This was not the first time I shot at Old Poway Park.  It was my Aunt who introduced me to it a few years back actually.  I have done photos for her and my cousins some record amount of 5 or 6 times.  Every year for her Christmas cards…I guess this at least means she likes the photos. Anyways this is the Kelley family (I like the name for obvious reasons).  These kids I swear were professional little models they listened so well and the little guy Ian was super cute mimicking what I had his older siblings do.  I had them tilt their heads a little bit in their solo photos and when he got in front of the camera for his solo shots he just tilted his head and said “cheese!”

I also learned that the Kelley children are climbers!  In the photos below I didn’t ask them to get into the tree (I mean lets be honest I don’t want to be responsible for someone hurting themselves).  But I’m all for it if they want to do it under their own accord.  And that’s exactly hat they did and I was happy to photograph the kids enjoying their climbing.

Thank you Shawn, Anita, Aspen, Logan, Jackson and of course little Ian for bringing it at the shoot.  You’re a beautiful family and I had fun at our shoot. 🙂

This is Ian on the right doing his “cheese” pose

I’m not so sure Ian particularly enjoyed being in the tree.  Look at him hanging on for dear life!

I received this e-mail from Miyu in response to the engagement photos I did for her and her fiance Ross.  This is one of the best e-mails I have ever received from a client, and I just really wanted to share her kind words. When I first read it I literally got chills, I love when I can give a client exactly what they want and provide them with a lasting memory. I know that sounds kinda corny but I mean it!

Here are some photos from a session I did the other day with a lovely couple.  I really liked the area it was a great mix of cool buildings and doors which I love; and it was all right there next to the beach so we got to get some shots down there as well.  Unfortunately we had to re schedule the shoot because of traffic issues.  But when we did get together the next day everything went well.  I had a great time chatting with Miyu and Ross about their wedding plans and how Ross proposed.  Isn’t this cute he had a camera set up on a timer to get a photo of Miyu’s reaction- I love that!  I’m really big into hearing peoples proposal stories…it’s kinda my thing.

I love that light!

Random school bus in Solana Beach…yes please

They were troopers because I will tell you it didn’t smell so hot in this area.

Ross took it upon himself to pick Miyu up… I couldn’t have planned it any better myself.

Here is a slideshow of more images from the shoot!