As I was editing late into the night last night I had a thought. I LOVE WHAT I DO. I wasn’t up late editing because I had to, I was because I really enjoyed it and couldn’t pull myself away. Well that and it didn’t hurt I had a Starbucks double shot drink at 8:30 pm. I have gotten such great response from the clients I have had over the last few weeks and I love hearing from them, and their appreciation for the photos. It means a lot to me that my clients really love the photos and it makes me happy that they take the time to tell me so. I have been very fortunate to have worked with so many great people over the last couple weeks. I have been quite busy, but when I was thinking back on it I felt as though I never had the thought “Ugh I have to edit those photos” more like “Yesss time to edit those photos” and I literally have to pull myself away from them (similar to how I shoot; those who have shot with me can attest to the fact that I’ll keep going unless I make myself stop).
So a big thanks to all you lovely people I have photographed and I look forward to all my upcoming sessions.
Oh and to round out this post here is a preview of a couple I can’t say enough good things about Charise & Josh. More of them to come soon!
Charise - LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! cant wait to see more! yaaaaay!!!!
Rachel - Looks like Scripps is a new favorite 🙂 nice